Catharsis; a release that brings out spiritual renewal or relief from tension

Offering you creative services that assist you on your journey of finding autonomy through your own voice

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Art Catharsis Services

How can we help you find your creative voice?

Bawo ni ara adugbo! How is everyone!

Spend Some Time with your creative self today!

Here, our artistic services, expressive products, & advocacy work highlight

the need for creative  autonomy and awareness of topics within mental health & the Sickle Cell Disease community

Need help with choosing your perfect art piece?

  • Written Poetry
  • Paintings
  • Visual Pieces
  • Video Editing
  • Audio Pieces
  • Digital Designs
  • Coaching
  • Workshop Lessons


Experiencing Her Silence at our bi-monthly, grassroots poetry paradigm was a genuine breath of fresh air. We are eternally grateful to have been connected, to have been a stepping stone on her artistic journey, and to be anointed in her Innerstanding. Ayoola has a divine manner of pouring wisdom and inviting a comprehensive & interactive essence into our CARBON community. I have personally witnessed her passionate ability to advocate for perspectives and peoples’ who have yet to receive the much-needed Time & Space in this colonial culture. Through her poetry, through her conversation, and through her Being.

 It was a true honor to have Her Silence bring to collective awareness the nuance of Sickle Cell through her poetry for so many reasons. Her Silence gave our community immense perspective, and with that always comes Meta-physical Growth. For that, we are indebted to her Spirit, and awe-struck by her cypher. I am certain you will be too! Without a doubt, I am grateful to commemorate Her Silence as a prime example of precisely what CARBON POETRY was created for, and we are prepared to perpetually advocate on her behalf that she may continue to reach the Hearts & Minds of many, many more creative communities.

Thank you for your Wisdom; Thank you for your Perseverance; Thank you, Ayoola. CARBON would not be the same without you.

Meshiach Ali


Ayoola was my mentor during my time as a freshman. She helped me understand that there are many attributes to becoming a great poet/writer. She taught me to leave my comfort zone and perform my art in ways I never thought of before. By doing so, I was able to add to my poetry and become an adept and skillful writer.

I was also present for her Catharsis workshop. During this time, I was able to draw something that I was thinking and also create a poem that serves as a connection to the piece. I don’t think I draw as good as I write, but overall, the workshop made me look at poetry in a whole different light. It made me feel that artists and poets have the same messages, but they are said in different ways.

Christopher Fraizer

Poetry Performance Mentee & Writer

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I’ve received over 2 original paintings from Catharsis and each painting speaks volumes to me. For each piece, I gave Catharsis an idea of what I wanted and she produced quality work each time. Catharsis took her time to personalize each piece; she asked me questions about my preferences and really got to know me before she produced the paintings, which showed in her final work. So glad for her service and I look forward to receiving more art pieces from Catharsis in the future!

Chinwendu C.

Client & Supporter

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Handmade with Intention
Advocacy with a Creative Voice

All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once [one] grows up

-Pablo Picasso 

I hide all my prose in my gap
Griot like my two front teeth
All my pain lays dormant beneath my tongue
For that, I am grateful my stories
keep a song in my mouth
– Poet Her Silence (VitaminSC3 Podcast)

I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality

-Frida Kahlo

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