Artist Bio

Who is Her Silence

Her Silence is a published poet that rose from the trauma of complacency. Her Silence became a chosen poet persona in 2019 because her voice speaks from a need of catharsis in our hurt communities. As a prolific artist, poet, writer, and overall creative she centers healing and Sickle Cell advocacy within multi-media mediums. Her Silence uses catharsis to transmute pain into performance & speaks to a more transformative journey. Her Silence speaks from a place of solitude; her experiences as a Yoruba first daughter fuel her art, which has been instrumental to her artistic growth. Her poetic stories encompass diaspora history, narration of inter-generational trauma, & lends a voice to the often silenced experiences of having a chronic illness.


Why is Catharsis creative?

Featured in Msanii Faye Original 2020 Art Exhibition & Black Minds Publishing Oct 2021 Issue #8: Cry Me A Remedy

Catharsis is the purging and transcendence of a great emotional burden to another form. To me, that form has taken different shapes of poetry, art pieces, painting my face, and even pouring myself into a meal. 

Catharsis has been an artist tag & consistent theme in Her Silence’s work; she learned the need for purging and releasing great emotion from her childhood hospitalizations. Catharsis is a cultural push to learning release. Through holistic mediums & services provided through—Healing Through Artistic Mediums LLC—she is highlighting the importance of intentional healing work as artistic expression for the advocacy and autonomy of adult mental health and individuals with Sickle Cell.


         What does Catharsis mean to you?

How can Art speak for your journey? 

Interested in reading some of my work?

Poetry has been one of my first loves and safe spaces to release and find myself. I’ve been performing my work for over a decade, and creating for even longer

This is where I found catharsis

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